
Healing comes from the word to make whole. Healing and Breath – A giving and receiving moment. Breathe. Feel the breath coursing in through your body and slowly out. As you take a deep breathe where is that breath going?   Imagine that breath in spreading through out your body cleansing it and puriying it. …

Miracles and Love

Miracles – Love the vibrations to live at At a time when the world seems to be falling apart, whether it be from hurricanes or emotional traumas of daily living, miracles are what many people hope for. Yet, many look to miracles as something that is going to happen to someone else and not you. …

Love Is Letting Go of Shields

Love is a free flowing energy through the body and when fully present to that free flowing love energy, tingling sensations can be present.  The flow of this energy river stops when emotions from a thought agreement or judgment that can stop the river like a damn. Love is Letting Go of Shields First to …

Uplift Yourself by Caring for Your Skin: A Natural Facelift

Having Extreme Health means taking time to care for your skin and appreciate the great gift you have been given in your own physicality. There are so many skin products, yet the best product is the one you can make for yourself when it is made with love. You deserve the luxury of caring for …

Stress Reducing Ideas

Stress can be reduced in many ways.  First and foremost the way you think is crucial (so remember to read "Stressfish Guide to EmoTrance")!  Adding to stress reduction includes a inflammatory reducing breakfast, supplements, snacks and breathing… In my book "Stressfish Guide to EmoTrance", using a simple technique of EmoTrance helps to transform your emotions …

7 Steps to Creative Weight Loss

In the “The Biogeneology SourceBook” by Christian Fleche, she states that the problems dealing with the body taking on weight or the  "overweight" dilema relate to “conflicts of low self-esteem in relation to a part of the body that is perceived as unattractive.  These conflicts relating to one’s figure are exacerbated when the person sees …