In the “The Biogeneology SourceBook” by Christian Fleche, she states that the problems dealing with the body taking on weight or the "overweight" dilema relate to “conflicts of low self-esteem in relation to a part of the body that is perceived as unattractive. These conflicts relating to one’s figure are exacerbated when the person sees the self in a mirror, from another person’s point of view, in a video, or in a photo…he or she identifies with a fat person and enters a phase of maximum stress or sympathicotonia (dominance of the sympathetic nervous system), which prevents moving into vagotonia (dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system) and healing relaxation."
The key here is not what we already know, i.e. self-esteem issues, but the competition that is created "when looking at ourselves from the eyes of what we perceive" another is thinking about us….competition.
How is this competition? Competition is all about winning and losing. This is in the very concept of weight "loss".
It is no wonder than why, in our society, it is so hard to loose weight. It is competitively based and encompasses the pressure to do more and be more…which is endless.
So what can we do with this information? Let's look at the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Stress, overweight, is a problem of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the old fight, flight or freeze syndrome. These are elements we feel in the "competitive" world. The constant firing of the SNS creates the imbalance of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) to step in whose job is to create ease and relaxation.
Creativity is a function of the parasympathetic (PNS) nervous system. It is in the ability to relax that we can connect to a deeper source of inspiration, our inner voice, intuition…or the voice of an inner energy, spirit, life force…whatever you may call it.
It is there in that space that all is well. That all can become a place of exploration and knowing, that ideas come.
Many people say their best ideas come in the shower. Could that be the place where the PNS is in play, allowing the self to connect at a deeper level?
Could weight issues simply be a calling for the creative nature to be expressed fully and without fear?
Could weight issues or even better, body confidence, be no more than a meditation away, or movement that brings a sense of peace and calm like a soothing yoga pose?
Could weight loss/body confidence be a calming song away, soothing the chatter in the head?
Could weight loss/body confidence be a lavendar or other calming scent to sooth the overstimulated sense of smell?
7 steps to Creative Weight loss
Let's stimulate the PNS:
1. What are you reading? Read relaxing, inspiring thoughts and ideas.
2. What are the smells around you? Burn an ocean breeze candle or scent you enjoy.
3. What are the ways you are moving? Choose movements that make you smile, try dancing.
4. What are you listening too? Stop the inner chatter of your mind and listen to the voice in your heart. Turn on music that inspires you, makes you smile, or relaxes you. Know when each is needed.
5. How are you connecting to your inner world? Take a moment, breath, and feel the energy inside of you. If it is stuck, simply place your attention there with the intention to have the energy soften and flow. Wait and repeat.
6. Do you have a relationship to a higher power? Take time to pray and meditate. Look for guidance from a place from within.
7. Combine all the above, in a creative space called YOU. And BREATH.
Physiologically speaking, today’s world with all it's fear and anxiety, is a haven for the SNS which is constantly firing. This is the result of a competitive world. The PNS, the space of creativity, needs a voice for love of self to enter in, and smooth out the clutter of stored energy in this action packed world.
Competition versus Creativity? When it comes to your weight, try focusing on body confidence and let your creativity sore. Be free.
Time for peace, love and joy.